How You Should Feed Your Dog

What Your Dog Eats?  We all know that no two individuals are exactly same, either it’s human being or a dog and hence their diet cannot also cannot be the same. As per the previous researches, its seen that, domestic dogs are largely carnivorous. Whenever you are planning for a diet chart for your dog, you should always keep in mind that the diet should be complete and balanced.

While planning for a food chart for you dog or feeding your dog, you should always ensure that you should mix the raw and cooked food. It’s considered that feeding dogs raw meat is best for their health but even in that also, you should be very much sure that which once are the best raw food diet for dogs. Apart from this, what a good vet doctor suggests is, while giving meat to your dog, you should choose human grade meat and not the meat and bone products made for pets as they have preservatives which can be harmful for your pet.

How Much Your Dog Needs?  What amount of food should be given is absolutely a common question of every pet owner and the answer to this is that, every dog has his own size, breed and the age and a perfect combination study from these three will let you know about what amount of food you should give to your dog and also how many times every day. The main reason for doing all these is that you don’t over feed your dog or under feed your dog as both conditions are not vital for your dog.

Food Dependent Upon Dog’s Age:

8-16 Weeks Dog: This is the time period when you should give special care to your dog and also ensure that you don’t make much changes to its diet and hence give the regular balanced diet. For dogs of such age, the best food kibble and you can also add cooked meats and vegetables or rice.

16+ Weeks: At this point of time, you can introduce new healthy food for dogs and can also prefer feeding raw meaty bones. We are recommending to give this because at this time, their permanent teeth tend to erupt and hence this encourages them to chew more actively. Make sure that as your puppy dog grows older, reduce its feeding to twice per day.

Adult Dog: This is the stage where your dog is fully stable and you don’t have to worry much about him and just continue a proper balanced and complete diet for him. Such adult dogs should be fed once or twice a day only.

Senior Dogs: This is again a stage where you should give special care to your dog and at this time, you should give them small frequent meals to make them feel happy. They may also need more amount of protein, fibre and other nutrients.

So stated above was information based upon research for how you should feed your dog at different age’s and we hope this article would have helped you with the same and now you would have developed a better understanding over your dog.
